Sunday, October 2, 2011

올해 8월까지 과일 수입 6억달러…26%↑

올해 8월까지 과일 수입 6억달러…26%↑ 기상 악화로 국내산 과일의 작황이 저조해 값이 뛰면서 상대적으로 싼 열대지역 과일 수입이 급증한 것으로 나타났습니다. 관세청은 8월 말까지 수입한 과일의 양은 지난해 같은 기간 대비 18% 증가한 50만 7천 톤, 금액으로는 26% 늘어난 5억 9천 6백만 달러를 기 ... 올해 8월까지 과일 수입 6억달러…26%↑

Gold set to regain glitter say bankers to the rich

Gold set to regain glitter say bankers to the rich By Kevin Lim SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Wealthy individuals should buy gold as the yellow metal has become an attractive investment following last month's sharp reversal, private bankers in Asia said on Monday. "Gold at $2000 is absolutely, potentially on ... Gold set to regain glitter say bankers to the rich

Durga Puja: Welcoming the goddess on earth

Durga Puja: Welcoming the goddess on earth LUDHIANA: Dressed in bright new clothes, members of the Bangiya Samsad celebrated 'Mahasashti' at Institute of Engineering, Dugri on Sunday, marking the beginning of Durga puja. The pandals were decorated with fresh flowers and amidst rhythmic beating ... Durga Puja: Welcoming the goddess on earth

[프로야구] 삼성 오승환, 9월의 MVP(종합)

[프로야구] 삼성 오승환, 9월의 MVP(종합) 아시아의 세이브 기록을 갈아치우고 새 역사를 써내려가는 '돌부처' 오승환(29·삼성)이 프로야구 9월 월간 최우수선수(MVP)에 선정됐다. 한국야구위원회는 3일 오승환이 프로야구 기자단 투표에서 총 22표 가운데 12표를 받아 장원준(롯데·5표)을 7표 차이로 제치고 ... [프로야구] 삼성 오승환, 9월의 MVP(종합)

印度3G剛萌芽 蘋果吃不開

印度3G剛萌芽 蘋果吃不開 (中央社台北3日電)彭博社報導,全球最大智慧型手機製造商蘋果(Apple Inc.)在擁有6.02億用戶的印度市場販售iPhone出現麻煩。 即將推出新款iPhone的蘋果出貨至這個全球次大手機市場的數量低於挪威。諾基亞(Nokia Oyj)和行動研究公司(Research In Motion Ltd.)在印度 ... 印度3G剛萌芽 蘋果吃不開


宝鸡一初中生强奸精神发育迟缓女邻居被判刑 少年不学好,强奸女邻居,9月27日,陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区检察院提起公诉的马某涉嫌强奸一案,法院做出判决,以涉嫌强奸罪判处其有期徒刑二年,缓刑三年。 马某今年15岁,系初级中学二年级在校学生。今年6月5日下午,马某趁精 ... 宝鸡一初中生强奸精神发育迟缓女邻居被判刑

Man dies after being speared on Mornington Island

Man dies after being speared on Mornington Island POLICE will prepare a report for the coroner after a 29-year-old Mornington Island man died after being speared. Police say the man received superficial wounds to his body, understood to have been caused by a spear early on Saturday. ... Man dies after being speared on Mornington Island

女教师遭性侵沉尸校园水塘 事发两月仍无说法

女教师遭性侵沉尸校园水塘 事发两月仍无说法 今年7月28日上午7时30分,青岛求实职业技术学院28岁女教师小宋,被清洁工发现漂在校园的水塘里,神秘地死亡。 经过警方的尸检发现,小宋在生前曾经受过性侵犯。在案发的第二天,警方将嫌疑人"黑出租车"司机抓获。但是,女 ... 女教师遭性侵沉尸校园水塘 事发两月仍无说法


中国十一黄金周第二日京沪深迎客流高峰 2011年中国国庆节假日第二天,北京、上海和深圳等地均迎来客流高峰。 由于天气原因,中国国内旅游市场2日呈现"北高南平"格局,北方大部分地区出现第一波旅游高潮,而南方部分城市和景区接待量同比下降。 全国假日旅游部 ... 中国十一黄金周第二日京沪深迎客流高峰


新华社澳大利亚布鲁姆10月2日电 中国著名球星、上海大鲨鱼队老板姚明2日在澳大利亚西澳州布鲁姆市表示,他退役后,需要一段时间来适应新的生活。 在接受新华社记者专访时,一身休闲打扮的姚明在谈到自己目前的生活情 ... "我需要时间来适应新生活"

巴萨攻击群赛季首次哑火 343强阵遭人盯人肢解

巴萨攻击群赛季首次哑火 343强阵遭人盯人肢解 梅西,比利亚,佩德罗,哈维,蒂亚戈,巴萨的强大攻击群却在面对希洪的比赛中集体哑火,最终仅仅依靠阿德里亚诺的破门险胜,而瓜迪奥拉引以为傲的343强阵在对手人盯人的防守下陷入了苦战。 作客大磨坊球场,巴萨遭遇了一 ... 巴萨攻击群赛季首次哑火 343强阵遭人盯人肢解

Luis Fabiano pede paciência com Adilson e diz que precisou sair

Luis Fabiano pede paciência com Adilson e diz que precisou sair A torcida pediu Rivaldo desde a metade do primeiro tempo. Quando viu Luis Fabiano ser sacado pouco antes de o Flamengo abrir o placar no Morumbi, escolheu como xingamento mais educado a Adilson Batista o grito de "burro", que tomou conta do estádio. ... Luis Fabiano pede paciência com Adilson e diz que precisou sair

Paris seul au monde, Lyon perd son bras de fer

Paris seul au monde, Lyon perd son bras de fer PARIS - Le Paris SG, obstiné et récompensé par Pastore, son habituel sauveur, a fini par venir à bout d'un Lyon (2-0) légèrement attentiste et prend seul la tête de la L1 dimanche après la 9e journée avec trois points d'avance sur une meute emmenée par ... Paris seul au monde, Lyon perd son bras de fer

نمو الاقتصاد القطري 41% خلال الربع الثاني

نمو الاقتصاد القطري 41% خلال الربع الثاني نما الاقتصاد القطري بنحو 41,8% على أساس سنوي بالأسعار الحالية خلال الربع الثاني من العام على خلفية نمو إنتاج الغاز والمنتجات المتعلقة به إلى جانب ارتفاع أسعار الطاقة، بحسب جهاز الإحصاء القطري أمس. وذكر الجهاز أن تقديرات الناتج المحلي الإجمالي الاسمي ... نمو الاقتصاد القطري 41% خلال الربع الثاني

Eishockey: Linz ringt Salzburg nieder

Eishockey: Linz ringt Salzburg nieder Eishockey-Meister Salzburg hat die zweite Niederlage in Folge in der Erste Bank Liga erlitten. Die „Bullen" mussten sich zwei Tage nach dem 3:5 gegen die 99ers in Graz den Black Wings in Linz mit 4:6 geschlagen geben. Die Salzburger machten zwar 0:3- ... Eishockey: Linz ringt Salzburg nieder

Arizona Diamondbacks (0-1) at Milwaukee Brewers (1-0), 5:07 pm (ET)

Arizona Diamondbacks (0-1) at Milwaukee Brewers (1-0), 5:07 pm (ET) (Sports Network) - Zach Greinke was one of the best pitchers at home this season. Because of that Brewers manager Ron Roenicke has decided to use him on short rest this evening when his team tries to take a commanding lead in their National League ... Arizona Diamondbacks (0-1) at Milwaukee Brewers (1-0), 5:07 pm (ET)

Hudak waking up late to NDP challenge

Hudak waking up late to NDP challenge By JOHN IVISON October 2, 2011 12:41 PM Tim Hudak's mood was light as he campaigned in a hockey rink early Sunday, cup of Tim Hortons in hand, selling his family income sharing plan. Too light. The Tories have woken up to the threat posed by the NDP ... Hudak waking up late to NDP challenge

Seis "hinchas" del Sevilla y 2

Seis "hinchas" del Sevilla y 2 Queda prohibida la reproducción, distribución, puesta a disposición, comunicación pública y utilización, total o parcial, de los contenidos de esta web, en cualquier forma o modalidad, sin previa, expresa y escrita autorización, incluyendo, ... Seis "hinchas" del Sevilla y 2

The Spectrum: DHS Marching Band works to perfect "Twisted"

The Spectrum: DHS Marching Band works to perfect "Twisted" Football games, weekend competitions, and new uniforms. It's that time of year again for the Dartmouth High Marching Band. Shifting focus from learning new music, drills, and breaking the ice with the newcomers, the marching band is getting ready to ... The Spectrum: DHS Marching Band works to perfect "Twisted"

LETTER: It's time for proven conservative leadership

LETTER: It's time for proven conservative leadership President and CEO of Western National Bank / President of Multi-Concepts Ltd. and the Bob Barnes Companies Last week, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst visited Odessa to talk with small business owners like us about the struggles and challenges our companies ... LETTER: It's time for proven conservative leadership