Saturday, October 29, 2011

Shenzhou VIII spacecraft will be at 5:58 on November 1 launch (Figure)

Shenzhou VIII spacecraft will be at 5:58 on November 1 launch (Figure) China's manned aerospace project spokesman announced on October 31, Temple One / Shenzhou VIII rendezvous and docking mission headquarters of the fifth meeting decided that Shenzhou VIII spacecraft aimed at 5:58 on November 1 launch, implemented on October 31 launch vehicle propellant filling. At present, the technical state of the systems tested properly, the interface between systems coordination, ground tests fully exercise all kinds of plans in place, flight products ...Shenzhou VIII spacecraft will be at 5:58 on November 1 launch (Figure)


国内 昨日凌晨1点左右,简阳市西街一小区内,一男子将另外一男一女杀伤,而两名男子都自称是女孩的老公。目前,行凶男子已被警方拘留,案件正在进一步调查中。 昨日凌晨1点许,已经睡熟的李女士被楼上的吵闹声吵醒,她仔细一听 ... 国内

图文:科娃2-1阿扎夺冠 科维托娃发球瞬间

图文:科娃2-1阿扎夺冠 科维托娃发球瞬间 北京时间10月30日,总奖金额为$4900000美元的WTA年终总决赛进入了决赛日的争夺,两位新生代领军人物科维托娃和阿扎伦卡展开了一场激烈的三盘大战,最终温网冠军科维托娃技高一筹,她耗时2小时28分钟以7-5/4-6/6-3惊 ... 图文:科娃2-1阿扎夺冠 科维托娃发球瞬间

"I'm moving haeolbinseo Mt Tiger 2"

"I'm moving haeolbinseo Mt Tiger 2" [Universe = gimyeseul Daily News] Ahn doctor's patriotic struggle for independence is also a historical site in Harbin Tiger Mt Kumgang geumsong two and two were introduced to Korea in the last 26 days. Forest Service held in China last April, the Chinese State Forestry Administration in Cooperation with the forest tiger species conservation efforts in the Mt."I'm moving haeolbinseo Mt Tiger 2"

Ténis: Michelle Brito vence ITF de Bayamon

Ténis: Michelle Brito vence ITF de Bayamon A tenista portuguesa Michelle Larcher de Brito venceu este domingo o ITF de Bayamon, depois de derrotar na final a porto-riquenha Monica Puig. A 187.ª classificada no ranking WTA levou a melhor com parciais de 6-3 e 6-2, tendo dominado a partida. ... Ténis: Michelle Brito vence ITF de Bayamon

Affaire du Carlton: une escort-girl se porte partie civile

Affaire du Carlton: une escort-girl se porte partie civile Une escort-girl entendue par les enquêteurs dans l'affaire de proxénétisme liée au Carlton de Lille s'est portée partie civile lundi dernier. Une escort-girl entendue par les enquêteurs dans l'affaire de proxénétisme liée au Carlton de Lille s'est ... Affaire du Carlton: une escort-girl se porte partie civile

[KB Financial Championship] `Comedy` yanghuiyoung hangukseo cheotseung

[KB Financial Championship] `Comedy` yanghuiyoung hangukseo cheotseung U.S. Ladies Professional Golf (LPGA) yanghuiyoung that plays on the stage (22 and KB Financial Group) gyeopgyeongsareul hit in Korea. His last major tournament held at home and win the competition, hosted by their sponsors because of the matbwatgi. Young, the 30th yanghui Incheon Sky 72 Sky Golf Course (par 72 and 6,538 yards).[KB Financial Championship] `Comedy` yanghuiyoung hangukseo cheotseung

Madrid, Bayern, Benfica, Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal y Milan a cerrar el pase

Madrid, Bayern, Benfica, Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal y Milan a cerrar el pase Madrid, 30 oct (EFE).- El Real Madrid, el único que cuenta sus partidos por victorias, el Bayern, el Benfica, el Barcelona, el Chelsea, el Arsenal y el Milan afrontan la cuarta jornada de la Liga de Campeones, la primera de la segunda vuelta, ... Madrid, Bayern, Benfica, Barcelona, Chelsea, Arsenal y Milan a cerrar el pase

浙江台州一货船撞击大桥后沉没 15名船员获救

浙江台州一货船撞击大桥后沉没 15名船员获救 2011年10月30日10点左右,一艘浙江台州籍货船"万木春56号"满载7000吨黄沙航行进入海门港时,不慎撞上椒江大桥,导致船前舱进水后船体沉底搁浅。接到报警后,台州边防、海事部门立即组织船舶展开救援,15名遇险船员被成 ... 浙江台州一货船撞击大桥后沉没 15名船员获救

Yanghuiyoung, asked for non-first home win

Yanghuiyoung, asked for non-first home win U.S. Ladies Professional Golf (LPGA) that plays on the stage yanghuiyoung (22 · KB Financial Group) is a major golf tournament held at home for the first time rose to the top. Young, the 30th yanghui Incheon Sky 72 Sky Golf Course (1,538 yards par 72.6), held at the Korea Ladies Professional Golf (KLPGA) his last major championship KB ...Yanghuiyoung, asked for non-first home win

周末市民外出游玩增多 路面车流量较大

周末市民外出游玩增多 路面车流量较大 昨天,不少出门的市民发现路上车流量很大,不少路段出现拥堵状况。下午5时,因为大郊亭桥四个方向车多,间接影响百子湾桥下路口的通行以及广渠路的行驶,导致不少上晚班的人迟到。交警赶赴现场疏导,晚6时后交通恢复正常 ... 周末市民外出游玩增多 路面车流量较大

North East New cold autumn rain water

North East New cold autumn rain water Central Weather Bureau said the northeast monsoon, today, tomorrow, the north and eastern Taoyuan turned rainy weather, but rain is not too strong, the temperature will drop 2 degrees. Freshwater low temperature this morning 17.7 degrees Celsius, a record low since the autumn. Although the north and east by the Taoyuan northeast monsoon rain to overcast weather, but in the south is cloudy to sunny weather, the weather bureau forecast the northern and Ilan during the day ...North East New cold autumn rain water

Flyers' Pronger experiencing blurred vision

Flyers' Pronger experiencing blurred vision Flyers defenceman Chris Pronger has blurred vision in his right eye and does not know when he'll return to the ice after being jabbed in the face. Pronger spoke Saturday night for the first time since Toronto's Mikhail Grabovski hit him just outside ... Flyers' Pronger experiencing blurred vision