Friday, November 25, 2011


中国羽球赛风云组合弃权 昨日,2011年中国羽毛球公开赛进入1/4决赛的争夺。赛会男双头号种子"风云组合"宣布弃权退赛,原因是傅海峰身体不适。在比赛前不久,蔡赟在微博里发布消息,"因搭档傅海峰头疼,呕吐,中午还有视力模糊等情况,现已去医院 ... 中国羽球赛风云组合弃权

600000 downtown Denver lights illuminate the season

600000 downtown Denver lights illuminate the season The holiday lights at Denver's City and County Building were switched on by Mayor Michael Hancock on Friday night. Downtown locations coordinated lighting events, so the glowing displays started at Union Station and rolled ... 600000 downtown Denver lights illuminate the season

Sky to launch dedicated F1 channel

Sky to launch dedicated F1 channel Sky television will launch a dedicated pay TV Formula One channel in Britain next year with live coverage of every race in high definition (HD) and without the interruption of advertisements, the broadcaster announced on Friday. ... Sky to launch dedicated F1 channel